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January Mandatory Event Submission for Feedback

On 23 January at 5:00 PM, almost all events will have a mandatory submission in the form of a progress check. For most events, you will submit your events' requirements on Judge Pro (although, in some cases, it might be a Google form). Make sure you check the Washington TSA site to ensure you are submitting the correct items.

The 5:00 PM deadline is a hard limit. If you are in the middle of uploading a file when 5:00 PM is reached, your upload will be canceled and you will likely be disqualified from that event. Furthermore, if your event entry shows a lack of effort, you might also be disqualified.

After you submit your items, volunteers will give you feedback. You will get this feedback in the form of an email from one of the board members. Due to volunteering constraints, not all events will receive feedback.